The Criminal “Banded” Electricity Distribution in Nigeria

Nigeria is a nation with estimated population of over 200M people with  electricity generation capacity of around 11,165.4 megawatts (MW), with 23 power-generating plants connected to the national grid.

However, the actual amount of electricity generated is often lower due to various challenges, including transmission and distribution issues.

In terms of installed capacity, Nigeria has a total of 12,522 MW, with thermal power plants accounting for the majority of this capacity. The country also has a significant amount of hydroelectric power, with several dams and power plants generating electricity.

It’s worth noting that Nigeria’s electricity demand is much higher than its current generation capacity, with estimates suggesting that the country needs around 40,000 MW to meet its basic household and industrial needs .

Here is the Criminal wing to this mayhem…

Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Government introduced a novel system he called Band. This system tends to distribute electricity to Nigerians based on segregated methodology of “banding”.

In Nigeria, the electricity tariff is categorized into bands based on the number of hours of electricity supply per day. Band A and Band B are two of these categories.


Band A: This category is for areas that receive a minimum of 20 hours of electricity supply per day.
Band B: This category is for areas that receive a minimum of 16 hours of electricity supply per day.

How on earth would one be in a country where there’s obvious marginalization based on electricity distribution and pricing.

How do you explain the bizarre fact that your immediate neighbor may be having a considerably improved electricity in his house whilst you scrabble for barely 6hours or 3hrs of electricity suppy in 24 hours.

Who decides the band one gets connected or NERC couldn’t put into consideration that some persons may decide to either be in Band A or Band B?

The choice is totally off the reach of the energy consumers.

That’s barbaric.

To start with, are they supposed to distribute electricity in a country based on class? That’s pure segregation… Racism at its peak.

The Discos simply take all the electricity for a certain group of Nigerians they considered lower class and give all to those they considered HIGH CLASS… thus, Band A and Band dichotomy.

Now, Nigerians woke to another barbaric news of yet another electricity tariff increase.

The one they increased barely a year now, have they accounted for that?

Ofcourse, they can wake up and keep increasing any tariff as they deem fit because Nigerians obviously won’t do anything and will not.

All mallam to your kettle…

Removing subsidy on Fuel, electricity, education is a recipe for disaster.

The resultant effect will be heightened inflation. Prices of goods and services will keep increasing because the higher the energy price, the higher the prices.

Nigerians are in for a long ride….

Good morning this morning…

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