At a recent audition, Nollywood actress Ngozi Ezeonu chastised a group of young women for dressing inappropriate to her movie audition . The seasoned movie actor was heard complaining in a video that went viral on Wednesday after the women showed up for an audition sans bras. One of the assessors at the audition, Ezeonu, was obviously unhappy with the two young ladies’ attire.
In the video, which @mrdoingscartel posted on TikTok, the actress admonished the girls that they should not wear such attire to an audition, particularly one that she was judging. Anyone who shows up for an audition that the actress is judging wearing such a clothing will be instantly dismissed, she made clear. The girls were asked by Ezeonu who they were attempting to
The video, shared on TikTok by @mrdoingscartel, showed the actress sternly warning the girls that such clothing was unacceptable for an audition, especially one she was judging.
The actress made it clear that anyone appearing in such an outfit at an audition she is judging would be immediately disqualified.
Ezeonu asked the girls who they were trying to impress and told them that she never dressed that way even when she was their age.
She said, “Any day I’m on any audition table and anyone comes to me dressed like this, I will disqualify that person.
“How can you come to an audition without a bra and with a crop top? It’s wrong.
“Who are you trying to impress? That’s why people see us as people who are not serious. I’m a serious-minded actor; you can’t catch me dressed like this, even when I was your age. It’s wrong. You carry breasts, leave breasts without a bra — ahnahn, why?”
Watch video below :
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