#HealthZone : Everything You Need To Know About Low Sperm Count

Pharm. Greatman is here this morning to take you through the SPERM COUNT issues in men.

“Did you know that low sperm count affects many couples struggling with fertility?

Watery semen can be a sign.

This thread explores the causes, solutions, and what you can do to improve fertility.

Low sperm count, or oligospermia, refers to having fewer sperm than normal in the semen you ejaculate.

The average healthy sperm count is around 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. If the number is lower, it reduces the chances of the sperm reaching and fertilizing an egg.

Watery semen refers to semen that “looks” thinner or less sticky than usual.

To be fair, semen consistency can naturally vary, semen that is persistently watery may indicate a low concentration of sperm or issues with semen production.

– Hormonal issues, for example Testosterone and other hormones play a big role in sperm production. Low levels can cause a reduction in sperm count.

– Disorders like Klinefelter syndrome can affect sperm production.

– Certain infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps, and prostatitis can affect sperm production or block sperm from being released.

– Spending too much time in hot environments, like saunas or hot tubs, can temporarily reduce sperm count.

A meta analysis in 2022, suggests that high temperatures can negatively affect sperm count and sperm production.

– Varicocele is a swelling of the veins in the scrotum that can negatively affect sperm production.

Low sperm count does not always have obvious symptoms, but if you’re trying to conceive and face difficulty, it might be a sign.

Other symptoms may include:

– Thinner, watery semen
– Erectile dysfunction
– Pain or swelling in the testicles
-A reduction in facial or body hair (which may signal a hormonal issue)

Note: it doesn’t mean those with facial hair don’t have hormonal issues

It would depends on the cause.

Options include:

1. Lifestyle changes: Quit
If you smoke, reduce alcohol, and manage stress. This can help improve sperm quality.

2. Medical treatments like Hormonal therapy, antibiotics for infections, or surgery for conditions like varicocele are options.

3. Supplements: Some studies suggest that antioxidants, zinc, and folic acid can boost sperm count and quality.

If you’ve been trying to have children for over a year without success or notice persistent watery semen, it is time to consult a doctor.

Sadly, not all causes of low sperm count or watery semen are preventable (like Klinefelter syndrome), some steps can help maintain healthy sperm

– Avoid excessive heat and tight clothing around the groin.

– Maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

– Exercise regularly but avoid over-exercising or steroid use.

– Reduce exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides.


– Walnuts: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which boost sperm count and motility.

– Spinach – Packed with folic acid, it helps produce healthy sperm.

– Pumpkin seeds – Rich in zinc, they support healthy sperm development.

Lifestyle changes, medical treatments, and early diagnosis can greatly improve your fertility potential.

Regular check-ups and a balanced lifestyle go a long way in maintaining overall wellness.

– by pharm. Greatman

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