#HealthZone : What You Need To Know About Parkinson’s Disease


Did you know that Parkinson’s disease affects millions people worldwide?

It is a condition that impacts movement, but there’s much.

Let us understand what Parkinson’s is, its symptoms, and how it’s managed👇


Parkinson’s is a brain disorder that happens when nerve cells in a part of the brain called the substantia nigra do not make enough dopamine.

Dopamine is a chemical that helps you control movement. Without it, it becomes harder to move smoothly.


– Shaking that usually starts in the hands or fingers.

– Muscles can feel tight, making movement difficult.

– Simple tasks, like walking or getting up, take longer.

– Trouble with balance and coordination increases the risk of falls.

– Speaking softly or slurring words is common.


Sadly, the exact cause is not known, but it’s linked to:

– Age, as it is more common in people over 60.

– Having a family member with Parkinson’s may raise your chances.

– Exposure to certain toxins or chemicals could increase risk.


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There’s no specific test for Parkinson’s.

Doctors diagnose it based on symptoms, medical history, and physical exams. Brain scans can help rule out other conditions 👍🏼


Sadly, there is no cure yet, but treatments can help manage symptoms:

– Drugs that increase or replace dopamine in the brain are the main treatment.

– Exercises can improve mobility and reduce stiffness.

– In some cases, deep brain stimulation (DBS) can help control symptoms by sending electrical signals to the brain.

If Parkinson’s have no cure, why am I posting it then

I am posting it for awareness 👍🏼

You see, Parkinson’s disease affects millions of people worldwide. Raising awareness about the condition helps to fund research and improve care for those living with it.

Parkinson’s might be a long-term challenge, but with understanding and support, people can still live meaningful lives.

Stay informed and spread the word!

Follow @OGreat6 for more health information..

– written by Pharm. Greatman

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